Sunday, November 29, 2009

How Security Cameras Help Your Business' Bottom Line

How Security Cameras Help Your Business' Bottom Line
By []Jack Krohn

How many ways can you think of to save money at your business to improve your bottom line? I am sure you can probably tick off a bunch. Realistically the number one way is to stop employee theft. Close behind is to stop customer theft commonly called "shoplifting."

Studies show that just over 40% of all losses in retail businesses are from employee theft. Customers only account for another 30%. That is absolutely huge! Enough to drive loss prevntion experts crazy. If you can put a stop to shoplifting oe employees theft or even put a dent in it how much better off you are.

First it puts you in a more competitive position. Instead of having customers and employees steal your inventory you could actually consider lowering prices to gain market share or just gain sales from lower prices.

No matter your personal beliefs in your fellow man even honest people will steal given the opportunity. So your job as owner or manger is to take away as many opportunities as you can and remove the temptation. Keep the honest ones honest and catch the crooks.

Think of a restaurant as an example. Two types of theft usually occur in a restaurant. High cost items like proteins, liquor and wine are being taken out of the back and service personnel like waiters and bartenders are giving food and drinks away without ringing it up or under-ringing the sale. Very Common!

A video surveillance system can safeguard your operation from internal thefts. They act as a deterrent to external theft as well. As a bonus many insurance companies give businesses insurance discounts for surveillance systems-further evidence of their effectiveness.

Jack Krohn owns 'Security Solutions' and has written over 400 articles on self defense and home security.

Use Discount Code FTV at checkout to save 10% []Complete Surveillance Systems are great for external building security. []Speed PTZ Dome Camera is a sophisticated surveillance camera with multiple indoor and outdoor uses.

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