Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Home Security Helps Elderly Family Members Maintain Independence

Nursing homes are becoming over populated and understaffed. Adult children of elderly parents are concerned about leaving their loved ones in a facility that they cannot constantly supervise. A home security system can extend the amount of time senior and infirm individuals are able to avoid entering extended care facilities and nursing homes. Elderly and disabled residents can maintain independence simply by having an alarm system installed in their own homes, or the homes of their care takers.

Consulting a home security specialist is the best way to tailor make a system that will best suit senior or elderly family members. Options such as a panic button or remote control that can be worn around the neck are available, in case of a fall or other medical emergency. A home with a loved one who has Alzheimer's and should not leave the home alone are good candidates for home alarm systems. If they wander off, the monitoring station has an exact time that the home alarm was activated as they exited the home. The operator will immediately alert the authorities and any family members on their list when an alarm activates and a search can begin with little time lost.

Often, cooking can be a issue if an elderly person is living on their own or left alone during meal time. If a forgetful person starts an oven or stove and walks away, the potential for fire is very high. A home alarm system can be a life saver, especially one with two-way monitoring. An operator can alert the fire department that a special needs person is in the home. In some circumstances, the home security system might even be able to guide the person to safety via the two-way monitoring.

Home security technology advances have taken place to offer more than just fire and theft protection. Monitoring stations have evolved enough to detect when no one is home and a fire breaks out. If your pet is home alone, the fire department will be informed of the type of pet you have and given your pet's name. They'll do their best to get Rex and Mr. Whiskers to safety, just as they would any other member of the family.

ADT alarm systems are the leading home security systems in the U.S. Help protect your home and family today with a home alarm system from the number-one name in home security, ADT home security.

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Best Home Security Help and Advice

Best Home Security Help and Advice
By []Andy J Jones

Is home security important? Well, if you have already been burgled then you know the answer to that. So many people think that home security is something they must do, but don't really get around to doing anything about it. By not taking action and addressing your home security weaknesses you are running a big risk. TV's, hi-fi's and games machines can easily be replaced but can you really afford to lose all of your personal possessions, precious heirlooms and sentimental items of value and importance? The following are the many ways that you can improve your home security and give peace of mind that your home is properly protected.

Burglar Alarm Systems
This should be the first home improvement you must make if you want to increase your home security. Alarm systems generally consist of a control panel, siren and a variety of sensors to trigger a burglar intrusion. There is a choice of hard wired or wireless type systems. Wireless systems are a very popular choice as they are cheap and easy to install although sensors require a regular battery change. Technology has improved somewhat and they are less prone to false alerts nowadays. Hard wired systems are generally more permanent and more stable and used in professional installations. They have higher install costs and there will be a lot of disruption during installation.

Monitored Home Security
Monitored home security is when your home burglar alarm system is connected to a alarm monitoring company and their job is to watch over your home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If your alarm is triggered they will send out help to assist with your emergency, be it police, fire or ambulance. They will charge a small monthly fee but you may find that by having monitored home security your insurance premium may drop - thus offsetting the monitoring costs.

Security Cameras
Closed Circuit Television or CCTV is a popular method to visually and sometimes audibly, monitor and record activity directly outside your property. There are simple, inexpensive systems that simply send a signal to your TV or a monitor for you to view. Or there are more sophisticated systems that can record images and video digitally from many security cameras that may be monitoring your property. The digital images can sometimes be viewed remotely, all around the world via the internet. There are many choices of camera. Again, security cameras can be both hard wired and wireless, color or black and white and some even operate in the dark via infrared.

External Security Lighting
External security lighting is one of the cheapest - yet effective - home security improvements you can make. The burglar does not want to be seen when breaking into a property so external lighting will be sure to put him off. It is recommended to buy the security lighting with an attached PIR motion sensor this will switch on immediately when movement is detected.

Deadbolts Locks For Securing Doors
Deadbolt locks provide an additional security obstacle for your external doors and will make it nigh on impossible for the burglar to get into your property via the protected door. These days biometrics are becoming popular offering keyless locks with gadgets such as fingerprint readers to allow the door to be opened.

Driveway Monitors
A driveway monitor will detect the entry of someone onto your land giving you an early warning of someone's presence. It could be an expected visitor, friend or neighbour, but it could equally be an unwanted intruder.

Security Window Bars
Security window bars provide both a visual and physical deterrent to a burglar making them think twice about breaking into a property. A burglar does not want to draw attention to himself when breaking into a property and also wants to be very quick to enter the property. By installing window bars you will slow him down and he will create noise when trying to remove the window bars. This should be enough for him to move on, even before he has attempted a break-in.

These are just a few of the many ways to prevent to burglar entering your property and making off with your property and valuables.

Learn more about []home security systems and for more great advice on the []best burglar alarm systems go to

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How Can an Outdoor Security Camera Help You Keep Your Home Secure?

How Can an Outdoor Security Camera Help You Keep Your Home Secure?
By []Jerry Goldstein

Wherever you live, you need to protect your home. One of the most recent advances in home surveillance systems technology is the outdoor security camera. Many manufacturers and sellers now have made these cameras affordable and easy to use. Many outdoor security cameras even come with do-it-yourself installation. Then again, if you have enough money, it's always better to hire a professional to install it for you.

Cameras can be wireless, wired or self-contained. Self-contained cameras just need to be plugged in to start recording. These types of cameras are of course simpler and easier to use since there is no need for any other connection. Some security cameras can be connected to a television, a videocassette recorder or a digital video recorder to capture still or moving images. They all need a power supply so they have to be plugged in an outlet.

Often, outdoor security cameras have lux ratings, a measurement form. The lux number is the light needed by the camera to operate properly and capture the image. The lesser the number, the lesser will be the light requirement of the camera. The lux requirements of outdoor security cameras also depend upon the settings of the place where it will be installed. Cameras used for home surveillance are typically weatherproof. You need to be cautious of any interference, since cell phones and other wireless products can interfere in the camera's performance if they have the same frequency in operation.

Outdoor security cameras come in different prices. There are affordable and expensive cameras. Homeowners who are planning to buy these for their home surveillance are encouraged to consult a professional. They can also do their research about it on the internet or offline. They need to gather information on where to install it and the areas that would be covered in order to find the best option.

There are many local sellers of outdoor security cameras who can help with the installation. There are also many shops selling online but one should be extra careful when making an online purchase. Before buying, they must see to it that the online seller is legitimate. Who would want to lose hundreds or thousands US dollars? They should look for a deal with online companies that bear a good reputation.

A proper research of everything about security cameras will lead you to a reputable company. It would help you in making the right choice for the good and affordable protection you need. Outdoor security cameras can also be upgraded if it's needed.

An outdoor security camera will let your sleep better without having to worry about your home and other precious belongings.

Are you thinking of buying an []outdoor security camera? Stop thinking and just do it. I can even begin to tell you how important []outdoor security cameras can be. We finally have a way to keep our family safe - should we second guess it? I think not.

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A Fake Security Camera Can Help You Fake Your Way Secure!

A Fake Security Camera Can Help You Fake Your Way Secure!
By []Brandi Abbey

Many people utilize security camera systems to protect their homes and businesses. However, it is possible to save money and maintenance time by adding a fake security camera to your security system. Even though some people try to save even more money by using only fake cameras, it can be best to use them in addition to your regular security cameras. This can significantly lower the overall cost of your security system, because you do not have to spend a lot of money on multiple cameras.

Your dummy cameras will not actually be connected to anything, but that will not detract from their usefulness. Many times all it takes is having a camera visible, to remind potential criminals of the fact that your property is under camera surveillance. The mere sight of a security camera is enough to deter many criminals.

There are advantages to using a dummy camera. Of course, your maintenance costs will be lower as a result of using fake cameras. Since the cameras are not real, you will not have to spend money to keep them operational. Many fake security cameras are quite realistic in appearance, right down to the cables and power cords. Some even include a fake electrical outlet so that you can plug the camera in, which can add to the realistic effect. If you use a good quality high-end dummy camera, many criminals will think that it is a real security camera. Many of these cameras even utilize the housing of a real camera, because this makes them appear to be real.

Of course, dummy cameras are a fraction of the cost of a real camera. Some models include a flashing LED light, which makes the fake camera appear to actually be working. When purchasing a fake security camera, it is well worth the extra expense to get one that looks realistic. Otherwise, it will not fool anyone, and will not deter criminals at all.

Homes as well as businesses can utilize a []fake security camera. If you are adding a dummy camera as part of your home security system, make sure you also have real cameras, so that you do have camera surveillance to protect your property. If you put the dummy cameras in a visible location, most potential criminals will see the camera, and choose to bypass your home. It does not matter if the camera is a fake, as long as it is visible, and it looks enough like a real camera to fool the criminals.

For more great security tips as well as discounts on a fake security camera, visit []

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How Security Cameras Help Your Business' Bottom Line

How Security Cameras Help Your Business' Bottom Line
By []Jack Krohn

How many ways can you think of to save money at your business to improve your bottom line? I am sure you can probably tick off a bunch. Realistically the number one way is to stop employee theft. Close behind is to stop customer theft commonly called "shoplifting."

Studies show that just over 40% of all losses in retail businesses are from employee theft. Customers only account for another 30%. That is absolutely huge! Enough to drive loss prevntion experts crazy. If you can put a stop to shoplifting oe employees theft or even put a dent in it how much better off you are.

First it puts you in a more competitive position. Instead of having customers and employees steal your inventory you could actually consider lowering prices to gain market share or just gain sales from lower prices.

No matter your personal beliefs in your fellow man even honest people will steal given the opportunity. So your job as owner or manger is to take away as many opportunities as you can and remove the temptation. Keep the honest ones honest and catch the crooks.

Think of a restaurant as an example. Two types of theft usually occur in a restaurant. High cost items like proteins, liquor and wine are being taken out of the back and service personnel like waiters and bartenders are giving food and drinks away without ringing it up or under-ringing the sale. Very Common!

A video surveillance system can safeguard your operation from internal thefts. They act as a deterrent to external theft as well. As a bonus many insurance companies give businesses insurance discounts for surveillance systems-further evidence of their effectiveness.

Jack Krohn owns 'Security Solutions' and has written over 400 articles on self defense and home security.

Use Discount Code FTV at checkout to save 10% []Complete Surveillance Systems are great for external building security. []Speed PTZ Dome Camera is a sophisticated surveillance camera with multiple indoor and outdoor uses.

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Monday, September 28, 2009

Why is One Click Blog Installation the Dangerous Way to Install Wordpress?

Why is One Click Blog Installation the Dangerous Way to Install Wordpress?
By []Micheal Savoie

It scares me to think that experts all over the world are telling people that they can easily install Wordpress from their control panel using a "One Click Install" of the Fantastico Wordpress Icon. They are setting up a lot of people to a life of frustration and vulnerability.

Fantastico is a very useful resource for a new webmaster who just purchased a domain and hosting account and now wants to put something on his or her website instead of the little logo from the hosting company. Usually there is a minimum of 10 to as many as 30 different scripts set up to be installed by just entering a few forms and BAM! Your script is installed.

Unfortunately, the same script that makes these program installations so simple for the user, also makes it much simpler for a hacker to make figure out 2 of the 3 keys that can open the blog (or any of the other scripts like Joomla) up for complete control. The only line of defense you have is a strong password, which means it must be written down, and by default makes it insecure.

How can I make such an outlandish claim? As a webmaster, I often worked with databases in the server and I began to notice a pattern among all of the Wordpress Installations that had been installed by the Fantastico script: all of the database names and usernames were nearly identical!

I wrote a manual to teach my clients how to repair this security flaw themselves, and I have been giving it away for free. Soon I started hearing others talking about Fantastico negatively, but for a different reason. When they tried to upgrade Wordpress after a Fantastico installation, some of the files would not allow the installer to overwrite them and many users were left having to completely reinstall their blogs from scratch.

What happens is that when Fantastico installs the files, some of the permissions of the files belong to the server instead of the user, which means that the user cannot make changes to those files unless the administrator actually takes control of the files. One of my clients had that happen to his blog, and it was not until I opened up a support ticket with his hosting provider that I managed to get them to give me control of those files.

When installing blogs, it is important to create a database name that is not easily guessed. It is also important to use a user name that is different from the database name (unless you do not have a choice). Then you can use a hard to guess password to round out the strength of your installation.

So you can see that the very convenience of the One Click Blog Install is also the reason you should stay away from it, because it is just as easy for a hacker. For people who are afraid to do blog installations themselves, I have created the guide to allow you to repair the blog installation and patch the security holes. It will not help you with the file permissions, but it will take care of the hacker situation.

With a secure blog, you are more likely to spend your time writing articles and earning money from it, instead of having to worry that all of your hard work is stolen from you by hackers.

Micheal Savoie teaches blogging, blog installations and making money from blogs at My Blogging School where you can also get a []free Wordpress installation for trying his []blog maintenance program for a month. Use the helpdesk link at the bottom of either of these pages to request my free Fantastico Fix guide!

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Blog Security - Vital Protection For Blogs

Blog Security - Vital Protection For Blogs
By []Bob Beacham

Blogging is fun, easy and profitable. Leading software such as WordPress is "open source" so anybody can write bits for it and there's a whole army of people writing superb add-ons (plug-ins and themes) to make you blog do all kinds of useful things. Unfortunately that openness is also the big weakness in your blog security.

Blogs get hacked all the time. It doesn't matter if you're famous, rich or just starting out, the hackers don't care. Some of them write nasty little robots that just go round knocking on a blog's back door until some blogs let them in. These robots can hit thousands of blogs a minute so protection is vital.

It's also near impossible to do unless you're a full-time code geek and you watch your blog like a hawk 24/7. Not practical.

So what can you do? Well the first thing is to be aware of it. Don't think it won't happen to you, take steps to protect yourself. When you choose a password, don't make it your name, for example, and don't share it. You'd be surprised how many people email passwords around or post them on forums when they're asking for help. If you absolutely have to do that to fix a problem, change it to a new one right after it's sorted out.

Sadly that won't stop them all. Something else you can do is always make sure your WordPress version and all it's plug-ins are up to date. It won't take you many minutes and it's worth it. Sometimes an update is for function but sometimes it's to fix a security flaw. Have a glance every time you log in. If there's an update, just do it.

After all that some hackers will still get through. To be brutally honest, protection for blogs could be seen as a bit of a myth. An impossible goal. If someone really wants in, bang, you'll be hacked.

The blog security tips above will help. Then, if you're unfortunate enough to have it happen, you need to be able to recover quickly. To do that you need to make sure your blog is regularly backed up. That way you can simply strip out the hacked files and replace it with a recent copy of your blog. Automated plug-ins can back up certain files for you and you can probably get access to your hosting to do a full back up there as well.

A couple of things. Just check to make sure your blog is working properly before you back up, and in case you accidentally back up a hacked version, always keep several archived back-ups. Finally, do it regularly. You can have auto back-ups as frequently as every hour - which is probably overkill, but at least once a week is good.

Protection for blogs is a question of taking simple, sensible precautions. I hope it doesn't happen but your blog security may be compromised one day. Make sure you can recover quickly and carry on your business.

Get blog security tools and tips here: []Blog Security plus.

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